Surgical Residency – Conferences

The foundation of our didactic education is the SCORE Curriculum. Weekly readings and practice quizzes are discussed in protected education time. Each resident will teach at 2-3 one-hour SCORE education sessions per year in conjunction with a faculty member who provide feedback on your presentation and is available to contribute to the discussion. This helps develop both the teaching and public speaking aspects of becoming a surgeon.

On Wednesday mornings, our morbidity and mortality conference is formatted to enhance education while exploring the opportunities to improve patient care. A standardized M&M format informs surgeons on potential changes in his/her practice and includes:

  • the cause of the complication;
  • what could be done to change the outcome;
  • Clavian-Dindo classification;
  • level of harm’
  • failure classification;
  • preventable status; and
  • identified systems issues

Grand Rounds follows M&M and features a variety of internal and external speakers.

In addition to these programs, opportunities abound for residents to attend specialized conferences in oncology, trauma, thoracic surgery, and more.